June 12, 2009

Events Calendar

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The Coming Week - - - General - - - Retreats


The Coming Week

June 12-13

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., Indianapolis. 26th annual “Italian Street Festival,” Fri.-Sat. 5 p.m.-11 p.m., Italian foods, music, rides, religious procession, Masses. Information: 317-636-4478.

June 12-14

St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, 6000 W. 34th St., Indianapolis. “International Festival,” Fri.-Sat. 5 p.m.-midnight, Sun. 5 p.m.-10 p.m., food, games, rides. Information: 317-291-7014, ext. 27.

St. Anthony Parish, 337 N. Warman Ave., Indianapolis. “Summer Festival,” food, trash-to-treasures sale, games, Thurs. 6 p.m.-10 p.m., Fri. and Sat. 6 p.m.-11 p.m. Information: 317-636-4828.

June 13

St. Roch Parish, Family Center, 3603 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Single Seniors, meeting, 1 p.m., age 50 and over. Information: 317-784-4207.

St. Joseph Church, 1875 S. County Road 700 W., North Vernon. Corpus Christi Sunday, Mass and procession, 6 p.m. Information: 812-346-4783.

St. Ambrose Parish and Our Lady of Providence Parish, 325 S. Chestnut St., Seymour. “St. Ambrose Kermesse,” food festival, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Information: 812-522-5304.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, 2322 N. 13½ St., Terre Haute. Parish auction, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Information: 812-466-1231.

June 14

Marian College, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis. Right to Life of Indianapolis, “Sunday Night Run,” 5-8 p.m. Information: 317-582-1526 or sundaynightrun@gmail.com.

St. Rita Church, 1733 Dr. Andrew J. Brown Ave., Indianapolis. “Gospel Fest,” 4 p.m. Information: 317-632-9349.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., Indianapolis. Corpus Christi Sunday, Latin Mass and indoor procession, 9:30 a.m. Information: 317-636-4478.

St. Luke the Evangelist Church, 7575 Holliday Drive E., Indianapolis. Corpus Christi Sunday, Vespers and procession, 4 p.m. Information: 317-259-4373.

St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 1723 “I” St., Bedford. Corpus Christi procession, Mass, 10:30 a.m., procession following Mass. Information: 812-275-6539 or parish@svsbedford.org.

St. Anne Church, 4570 County Road 150 East, North Vernon. Corpus Christi Sunday, Mass and procession, 10:30 a.m. Information: 812-346-4783.

St. Mary Magdalen Parish, 4613 S. Old Michigan Road, Holton. Corpus Christi Sunday, Vespers, procession and pitch-in dinner, 6 p.m. Information: 812-689-4244.

St. Paul Parish, 814 Jefferson St., Tell City. Parish picnic, City Hall Park, 700 Main St., across from church, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., games, food. Information: 812-547-7994.

Saint Meinrad Archabbey and School of Theology, Archabbey Church, 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. Louisville Mandolin Orchestra concert, 3 p.m. Information: 800-682-0988 or www.saintmeinrad.edu.

MKVS, Divine Mercy and Glorious Cross Center, Rexville, located on 925 South, .8 mile east of 421 South and 12 miles south of Versailles. Mass, noon, on third Sunday holy hour and pitch-in, groups of 10 pray the new Marian Way, 1 p.m., Father Elmer Burwinkel, celebrant. Information: 812-689-3551.

June 15

House of Joseph, 523 Fabyan, Indianapolis. Catholic Charities Indianapolis, monthly caregiver support group meeting, 5:30 p.m. Information: 317-236-1536.

George’s Neighborhood Grill, 6953 Lake Plaza, Indianapolis. Theology on Tap, summer series, “Tough Topics for a Tough Life,” happy hour, 7 p.m., talk, 8 p.m. Information: 317-625-7744.

June 17

St. Nicholas Parish, 6461 E. St. Nicholas Drive, Sunman. Healing service, confession, eucharistic procession, praise and worship, laying on of hands, 6 p.m. Information: 812-623-8007.

Calvary Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 435 W. Troy Ave., Indianapolis. Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-784-4439.

June 18

Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 9001 N. Haverstick Road, Indianapolis. Monthly Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-574-8898 or www.catholiccemeteries.cc.

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General Announcements

Holy Spirit Parish to host reception for three priests

Holy Spirit parishioners in Indianapolis will honor three priests on June 20 for their dedicated service to the East Deanery parish located at 7243 E. 10th St.

Father Joseph Riedman, the pastor since 1993, and Father John Maung, who has been in residence there since 1998, will retire from active ministry on July 1.

Parishioners will also honor Father Oscar Anguiano from the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico, who has ministered at Holy Spirit Parish and other parishes in Indianapolis since 2006. He will return to Guadalajara on July 1.

The reception begins at 6:30 p.m. and concludes at 9:30 p.m.

Father Riedman served at Holy Spirit Parish for 16 years. He was ordained in 1956, and previously served as the pastor of St. Michael Parish in Greenfield and Our Lady of the Greenwood Parish in Greenwood. He also ministered at Holy Angels Parish, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School, all in Indianapolis.

Father Maung previously ministered at St. Lawrence Parish in Indianapolis, St. Gabriel Parish in Connersville and St. Joseph Parish in Shelbyville.

Father Uzoma Uwakwe, the associate pastor, recently reported for duty as a chaplain with the U.S. Army. He began his ministry at the parish in 2007.

For more information, call the parish at 317-353-9404. †

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Retreats and Programs

May 8-9

Monastery Immaculate Conception, Kordes Center, 841 E. 14th St., Ferdinand, Ind. (Evansville Diocese). “A Tour through the Castle,” Benedictine Sister Geraldine Hedinger, presenter, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $35 includes continental breakfast and lunch. Information: 812-367-1411 or spirituality@thedome.org.

May 8-10

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. Retreat, “St. Paul: Apostle, Preacher, Human Being,” Benedictine Father Eugene Hensell, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

May 13

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. “A Celebration of the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima,” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 8:30 a.m. registration-2:30 p.m., $35 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch. Information: 317-545-7681.

May 15-16

St. Bernadette Parish, Retreat Center, 4838 Fletcher Ave., Indianapolis. Office for Pro-Life Ministry, retreat for youths 14 years of age and older, “Change We Can Believe In!,” Father James Heyd, presenter, $25 per student. Information: 317-236-1521, 800-382-9836, ext. 1521, or www.archindy.org/prolife/index.html.

May 15-17

Mount St. Francis Center for Spirituality, 101 St. Anthony Drive, Mount St. Francis. “Women’s Retreat.” Information: 812-923-8817.

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. Retreat, “Come, Holy Spirit: The Pentecost Liturgy,” Benedictine Father Vincent Tobin, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

May 22-24

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. Retreat, “Six Roads to Inner Peace,” Benedictine Archabbot Bonaventure Knaebel, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or MZoeller@saintmeinrad.edu.

May 28

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Silent, non-guided retreat, “Come Away and Rest Awhile,” 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $25 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch. Information: 317-545-7681 or spasotti@archindy.org.

June 8-10

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. Seventh annual garden retreat, “How Does Your Garden Grow?,” 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $45 per person per session, includes lunch, space limited, reservations due May 18. Information: 317-788-7581 or benedictinn@benedictinn.org.

June 16

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Introduction to the Enneagram,” St. Joseph Sister Wanda Wetli, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $50 per person includes lunch. Information: 317-788-7581 or benedictinn@benedictinn.org.

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Woman Talk: Life Lessons for Women by Women–To Your Health,” 6:30-9 p.m., $25 includes dinner. Information: 317-788-7581 or benedictinn@benedictinn.org.

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