Events Calendar
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The Coming Week - - - General - - - Retreats
The Coming Week
June 25-27
St. Jude Parish, 5353 McFarland Road, Indianapolis. “Summer Festival,” 5 p.m.-midnight, food, games, rides. Information: 317-786-4371.
June 26
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center, 8210 W. State Road 48, Bloomington. Traveling missionary image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Stations of the Cross, 4 p.m., followed by Our Lady of the Sorrows rosary. Information: 812-925-4642, ext. 232.
June 26-27
Christ the King Parish, 1827 E. Kessler Blvd., Indianapolis. “Summer Social,” Fri.-Sat. 5 p.m.-midnight, food, music, games, talent show, entertainment, rummage sale. Information: 317-255-3666.
St. Lawrence Parish, Father Conen Hall, 6944 E. 46th St., Indianapolis. Rummage sale, Fri. 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-noon, Sun. 12:15-2:15 p.m. bag sale. Information: 317-546-4065.
June 27
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 5333 E. Washington St., Indianapolis. Alumni recognition Mass and all-school reunion and dinner, Mass, 5 p.m., reunion and dinner following Mass. Information: 317-356-7291.
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center, 8210 W. State Road 48, Bloomington. Traveling missionary image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mass, 6:30 a.m., adoration and confession, Mass, noon. Information: 812-925-4642, ext. 232.
June 28
St. Maurice Parish, 1963 N. St. John St., Greensburg. Parish picnic, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., roast beef and chicken dinners, games, quilts, country store. Information: 812-663-4754.
St. Nicholas Parish, 6461 E. St. Nicholas Drive, Sunman. Parish picnic, “All you can eat” chicken and roast beef dinners, turtle soup, games, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Information: 812-623-2964.
MKVS, Divine Mercy and Glorious Cross Center, Rexville, located on 925 South, .8 mile east of 421 South and 12 miles south of Versailles. Mass, noon, on third Sunday holy hour and pitch-in, groups of 10 pray the new Marian Way, 1 p.m., Father Elmer Burwinkel, celebrant. Information: 812-689-3551.
June 29
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., Indianapolis. “Theology of the Body,” session two, talks for adults 18 and older on consecutive Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m. Registration: 317-236-1521 or
George’s Neighborhood Grill, 6953 Lake Plaza, Indianapolis. Theology on Tap, summer series, “Tough Topics for a Tough Life,” happy hour, 7 p.m., talk, 8 p.m. Information: 317-625-7744.
July 1
St. John the Apostle Parish, 4607 W. State Road 46, Bloomington. Summer concert tour, celebrating “The Truth,” Kurt and Julie Carrick, presenters, 7 p.m., no charge. Information: 812-876-1974.
July 3-5
Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel, 3354 W. 30th St., Indianapolis. Traveling missionary image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, veneration. Information: 317-926-1963.
July 6
Most Holy Name of Jesus School, 21 N. 17th Ave., Beech Grove. “Giant Steps Summer Camp,” educational summer camp for students in kindergarten through eighth grade, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., registration deadline June 30. Information: 317-784-9078.
July 7
Ritter’s Frozen Custard, 3219 W. County Line Road, Greenwood. “Benedict Inn Night Out at Ritter’s,” 3-8 p.m. Information: 317-788-7581 or
July 9-11
Holy Spirit Parish, 7243 E. 10th St., Indianapolis. Parish festival, 5:30 p.m.-11 p.m., rides, food, music, entertainment. Information: 317-353-9404.
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General Announcements
None currently listed.
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Retreats and Programs
July 7
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Silent non-guided retreat, “Come Away and Rest Awhile,” 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $25 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch. Information: 317-545-7681 or
July 9
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Annual “Day of Reflection on Prayer,” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., $35 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch. Information: 317-545-7681 or
July 10-17
Monastery Immaculate Conception, Kordes Center, 841 E. 14th St., Ferdinand, Ind. (Evansville Diocese). “Directed Retreat.” Information: 812-367-1411 or
July 12
Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Woman Prayer: A Morning of Grace,” Benedictine Sister Rachel Best, presenter, morning prayer and Sunday Mass, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., $25 per person includes lunch. Information: 317-788-7581 or
July 14
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Evening of Reflection, “Meet Me at The Shack,” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 6:30-9:30 p.m., $15 per person includes light dinner. Information: 317-545-7681 or
July 16
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Day of Reflection, “Meet Me at The Shack,” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 8:30 a.m-2:30 p.m., $35 per person includes continental breakfast, lunch and Mass. Information: 317-545-7681 or
July 21-23
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Mid-week retreat, “Stories of Faith–Stories of Our Lives,” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, $160 per person or $290 married couple. Information: 317-545-7681 or
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. Midweek retreat, “Use Time–Don’t Let It Use You,” Benedictine Father Pius Klein, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
July 24-26
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, Indianapolis. Spiritual journey and healing process for women, men and married couples experiencing symptoms associated with abortion, confidential program and location. Information: 317-236-1521 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1521.
July 31-August 2
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Praying the Bible,” Benedictine Brother Zachary Wilberding, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
August 2-8
Monastery Immaculate Conception, Kordes Center, 841 E. 14th St., Ferdinand, Ind. (Evansville Diocese). “Guided Retreat.” Information: 812-367-1411 or
August 4
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Silent non-guided retreat, “Come Away and Rest Awhile,” 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $25 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch. Information: 317-545-7681 or
August 7-9
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Virtue: Living the ‘Good’ Life,” Benedictine Brother Karl Cothern, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
August 18
Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Catholic Identity and Doctrine 2009: Devotion to the Eucharist Outside of the Mass,” Benedictine Father Matthias Newman, presenter, 6:30-9 p.m., $25 includes dinner. Information: 317-788-7581 or
August 18-20
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Lectio Divina: Praying with Holy Scripture,” Benedictine Brother Matthew Mattingly, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
August 21-23
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “The Book of Revelation: What It Is and What It Isn’t,” Benedictine Father Eugene Hensell, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
August 28-30
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Scriptures and Novels,” Benedictine Father Noël Mueller, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
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