Events Calendar
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The Coming Week - - - General - - - Retreats
The Coming Week
February 12
Atrium, 3143 E. Thompson Road, Indianapolis. St. Mary Parish, Valentine’s Day dinner and dance, 7-11 p.m., $25 adults, $15 adolescents ages 13-17, $8 children ages 4-12, no charge under age 4. Information: 317-637-3983.
February 13
St. Roch Parish, Family Life Center, 3603 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Single Seniors, meeting, 1 p.m., age 50 and over. Information: 317-784-4207.
Culbertson West Ballroom, 904 E. Main St., New Albany. St. Mary Parish, annual Mardi Gras Gala, 7 p.m.-midnight. Information: 812-944-0417.
February 14
St. Nicholas Parish, Parish Hall, 6461 E. St. Nicholas Drive, Sunman. Ladies Sodality, Valentine’s Day breakfast, 7:30 a.m.-noon, free-will offering.
MKVS, Divine Mercy and Glorious Cross Center, Rexville, located on 925 South, .8 mile east of 421 South and 12 miles south of Versailles. Mass, noon, on third Sunday holy hour and pitch-in, groups of 10 pray the new Marian Way, 1 p.m., Father Elmer Burwinkel, celebrant. Information: 812-689-3551.
February 15
Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 9001 N. Haverstick Road, Indianapolis. Valentine’s Mass, 6 p.m. Information: 317-574-8898 or
February 17
St. Nicholas Parish, 6461 E. St. Nicholas Drive, Sunman. Healing service, confession, eucharistic procession, praise and worship, laying on of hands, 6 p.m. Information: 812-623-8007.
February 18
Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 9001 N. Haverstick Road, Indianapolis. Monthly Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-574-8898 or
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Parish, 7225 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis. “Evening of Reflection on The Shack, Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 7 p.m., $10 per person. Information: 317-359-6075.
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Bethany Room, 4625 N. Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis. “Living Lean and Green” workshop, session one, 7-8:30 p.m. Information: 317-255-9316.
February 19
Northside Knights of Columbus Hall, 2100 E. 71st St., Indianapolis. Catholic Business Exchange, Mass, breakfast and program, “Faith and a Brush with Death,” State Rep. Ed Delaney, speaker, 6:30-8:30 a.m., online reservations only by Jan. 13. Reservations and information:
February 20
St. John the Evangelist Parish, 126 W. Georgia St., Indianapolis. “Reflection on Prayer,” 9:30 a.m. Benedictine Father Mark O’Keefe, presenter. Information: 317-637-3941 or
St. Michael the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th St., Indianapolis. Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, pro-life Mass, Father Shaun Whittington, celebrant, 8:30 a.m., followed by rosary outside abortion clinic and Benediction at church. Information: Archdiocesan Office for Pro-Life Ministry, 317-236-1569 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1569.
Father Thomas Scecina Memorial High School, 5000 Nowland Ave., Indianapolis. Alumni and friends, “Trip to Horseshoe Casino,” 8:45 a.m.-6:15 p.m., $20 before Feb. 6 and $25 thereafter. Information: 317-356-6377, ext. 1312, or
February 21
Richmond Catholic Community, 701 N. “A” St., Richmond. Charismatic prayer group, 7 p.m. Information:
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General Announcements
Seminary to host one-woman play about St. Catherine of Siena
Dominican Sister Nancy Murray will portray St. Catherine of Siena in a one-woman play at 7 p.m. on March 1 at the Newman Conference Center at Saint Meinrad School of Theology and Seminary in St. Meinrad.
Sister Nancy, who is the sister of actor Bill Murray, has presented more than 200 performances as St. Catherine of Siena, a young woman who lived in the 14th century and played a major role in history by her efforts to reunify the Catholic papacy in Rome.
Catherine was born in Italy and became a lay member of the Dominican religious order at age 16. She devoted herself to working for the poor and sick as well as counseling prisoners.
The play is based on translations of 400 of Catherine’s letters in which she boldly chastises popes, cardinals and princes with whom she differed on Church and political issues. She is best known for her writings and diplomatic effort that helped end the Avignon papacy.
Sister Nancy earned a bachelor’s degree in theater at Barry University in Miami and master’s degree in pastoral studies at Loyola University in Chicago.
Her performance, which is free and open to the public, is part of the Gardner Lectures in Pastoral Practice and is hosted by Saint Meinrad’s Institute for Priests and Presbyterates.
St. Michael the Archangel Parish sponsors fish fry, Lenten programs
St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Indianapolis has scheduled a four-part “Friday Night Adult Formation Series” on a variety of pro-life issues during Lent.
The presentations, which are open to the public, begin at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish Life Center behind St. Michael the Archangel Church, located at 3354 W. 30th St.
There is no charge for the programs, which follow the weekly Lenten fish fry. Free child care is available.
The dates, topics and speakers arranged by the parish Faith Formation Commission are:
Feb. 19—“Stem-Cell Research and Ethics,” presented by Dr. Hans Geisler, a member of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish in Indianapolis.
Feb. 26—“Ministry for Women Wounded by Abortion and Pregnancy Loss,” presented by Debbie Miller, the founder of Healing Hidden Hurts and a member of St. Anthony Parish in Indianapolis.
March 5—“Immigration as a Pro-Life Issue,” presented by Franciscan Father Tom Fox, a Hispanic ministry assistant for the archdiocese.
March 12—Bella, a pro-life movie.
(For more information, call
St. Michael the Archangel Parish at 317-926-7359.)
The Master’s Chorale welcomes new members, plans spring concert
Singers are invited to join The Master’s Chorale of Central Indiana Inc. as they prepare for their spring concert featuring Mozart’s Requiem.
The concert will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 18, at Christ the King Church, 1827 Kessler Blvd., East Drive, in Indianapolis.
The Master’s Chorale remains dedicated to the preservation of sacred chorale music. It is a non-profit, all-volunteer, unpaid choir.
For more information about the choir, call 317-271-2788.
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Retreats and Programs
February 13
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Five Love Languages–How Would I Like to Receive Love?” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., $35 per person includes lunch. Information: 812-933-6437 or
February 14
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Evensong–Scripture, Taizé Music and Silence,” 4-5 p.m. Information: 812-933-6437 or
February 17
Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. Thomas Merton seminar, “Bridges to Contemplative Living–Traveling Your Road to Joy,” four-part series, Benedictine Sister Julie Sewell, presenter, Mass, 5:15 p.m., simple soup and bread supper, 6 p.m., session 6:30-9 p.m., $65.95 for series. Information: 317-788-7581 or
February 18
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Lenten Lecture Series–Called to Conversion,” Franciscan Sister Barbara Leonhard, presenter, 7-8:30 p.m., $10 per person. Information: 812-933-6437 or
February 19-21
Our Lady of Grace Monastery, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. Sisters of St. Benedict, “Come and See,” vocation retreat, women ages 18-42, no cost. Information: 317-787-3287, ext. 3032, or
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. “Renewed by Gospel Principles: A Weekend Lenten Retreat with Franciscan Father Charlie Smiech.” Information: 317-545-7681.
February 21
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Coffee Talk–We Are All (Thank God) Prodigal Sons and Daughters,” Franciscan Father Norman Langenbrunner, presenter, 10:45 a.m.-noon, free-will donation includes pastry and coffee. Information: 812-933-6437 or
February 25
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Lenten Lecture Series–Called to Conversion,” Franciscan Sister Barbara Leonhard, presenter, 7-8:30 p.m., $10 per person. Information: 812-933-6437 or
February 26-28
Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Women’s Retreat–Women Clothed in Grace.” Information: 317-788-7581 or
Monastery Immaculate Conception, 802 E. 10th St., Ferdinand, Ind. (Evansville Diocese). Sisters of St. Benedict, “Come and See Weekend,” high school girls are invited to learn about religious life. Information: 800-734-9999 or
Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 100 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Pray Your Way to Happiness,” Benedictine Brother Maurus Zoeller, presenter. Information: 800-581-6905 or
February 27
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. “Date Night at Fatima Retreat House,” Father Jim Farrell, presenter, 5 p.m., Mass, 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and presentation, $40 per couple. Information: 317-545-7681 or
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