Letters to the Editor
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Pray rosary novena for family and marriage, reader says
I am saddened that your publication did not promulgate Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki’s request launching a “54-Day Rosary Novena” for the family and marriage.
Archbishop Listecki wrote to all the archbishops and bishops of America asking them to endorse that all Catholics pray this novena. Our post-Christian society is facing a lot of crises, but the attack on the family is most critical because it attacks the Catholic Church by stealth utilized by clever “elite” who profess socialism. Archbishop Listecki said, “So anytime we’re faced with a crisis, we turn to prayer … and the rosary.”
The rosary has saved the day throughout history, Lepanto being a prime example. Oct. 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, celebrates the victory at Lepanto in 1571, the battle that saved the Christian West from defeat at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.
We need people to pray the rosary now, every day, for our country. The rosary is the great weapon of conversion as testified to by Our Blessed Mother at Fatima under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary.
The novena begins on Aug. 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and ends on Oct. 7, the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. The novena incorporates 27 rosaries for the intention of the family and marriage, and 27 rosaries in thanksgiving.
- Paul Kachinski | Indianapolis
Newspaper does good job of recognizing richness of local and universal Church
It is good to see The Criterion not ignoring non-Caucasian ethnic groups.
I am sure there are many readers of The Criterion who are influenced in a positive way when they read about various ministries with different ethnic groups and events, as well as the causes and ministries in which the various ethnic groups participate in the archdiocese.
It is important not to put emphasis on only one ethnic group, which the press—religious and secular—has had a habit of doing for a long time in the past.
It was interesting to read about the four organizations of black Catholics. Congratulations to the honorees! The statement about the death penalty “hit the nail on the head”—it incorporated good ideas, and was worded so that any lay person can read it without having to study it beyond reading it once. Let us all take it to heart!
I do not agree with Rep. Bill Patmon, the Ohio state representative, when he says that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is hypocritical. The tragic loss of lives that sparked the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement cannot have been in vain!
If there were no such movement, the babies who are saved from being murdered in the womb would have no more hope for good quality of life—or life beyond their first decade or two—than they have right now. Both the movement against killing helpless babies and the Black Lives Matter movement are needed to help us move toward that moment in time when every person on this planet can participate in a truly civil and just society.
Thank you for your efforts to give us relevant and attention-holding articles, both within our own archdiocese and in the rest of the world.
- Jane N. Pictor | Napoleon