June 5, 2020

My Journey to God

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Jesus asks his disciples – “Who do you say that I am?”

It is a timeless question for people
of all ages at various moments of our life.
In faith, I humbly reply – “You are who you say you are.”

You are my Good Shepherd.
You know me better than I know myself.
You watch over me, protect me, and search for me when I wander.
And I do wander.

You are my Vine. I cling to you.
I bear good fruit attached to you.
I wither and die apart from you.

You are my Bread of Life.
The world’s “menu” is not as appetizing as it seems.
You alone satisfy my “hunger.”

You are my Way, Truth, and Life.
You guide me on my path. You reveal what is true.
You alone give me life eternal.

By Tom Yost

(Tom Yost is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany, where he serves as its pastoral associate.)

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