May 10, 2024

Serra Club Vocations Essay

Student finds ‘peace and tranquility’ in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

(Editor’s note: The Indianapolis Serra Club’s annual John D. Kelley Vocations Essay Contest ordinarily awards prizes each spring to winning essayists in grades 7-12 in the archdiocese. This week, have the winning entry in the eighth grade.)

By Quinn Anderson (Special to The Criterion)

Quinn AndersonThe Eucharist is the most important feature of our Catholic lives. Without it, my life could never be what it is today. Being in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament has changed my life in so many wonderful ways.

I witnessed the most spectacular moments in the presence of the Lord at my very first Easter Vigil Mass. I was honored to be invited by our parish priest to serve in this wonderful Mass. I was awestruck by the mystery unfolding as hundreds of dimly-lit faces sang Latin chants.

At midnight, a great joy spread through the church. There was a strong feeling of the love of Jesus touching everyone in the congregation, including me. I felt true happiness and peace inside my soul. This Easter Vigil Mass showed me the great beauty in the presence of God and reawakened my faith to look at every Mass not just as singing and prayer, but as a miracle of God given to us.

I also grew a deep connection with my faith in the company of the Eucharist at Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in Indianapolis. A few months after the start of my eighth-grade year, my religion teacher invited me to embark on this spiritual journey.

Upon arriving at the seminary, we spent the first half hour in silent adoration in the presence of the Eucharist for God’s vocation. I could feel God calling to me during this time. Seeing the brotherhood, joy and love all the seminarians had for the Eucharist had a tremendous impact on me. It opened my eyes to the possibility that I could be a servant of God in the Eucharist, and I’m seriously considering God’s call to me to the priesthood.

My day at Bishop Bruté expanded my faith in the presence of Jesus’ body and blood.

I was given a great opportunity to grow my faith in God when I was invited by my friends to go to a new form of adoration, Teen Hour of Power. This is provided by our parish every Sunday for the youths of the parish to grow a deeper connection with God. I decided starting off my week in prayer with God would be helpful, so I joined them.

I spent this time of adoration in deep prayer, for I was worried about the many challenges of the week. Then, I felt a strange feeling of calm throughout my body. I was somewhat taken aback by this, but I decided to let it take over. I found God’s kindness and peace that day. I am grateful for this amazing opportunity for me to connect with God. In the peace and tranquility of adoration, I discovered a great friendship with God.

The Eucharist has had a far-reaching impact on my life. It allows me to see the beauty of Jesus giving up his life for us, to grow in my faith and find a close friendship with Jesus. A life without the Eucharist is a life I can’t live in.

(Quinn and his parents, Kent and Andrea Anderson, are members of Christ the King Parish in Indianapolis. He is an eighth-grade student at Christ the King School in Indianapolis and is the eighth-grade division winner in the Indianapolis Serra Club’s 2024 John D. Kelley Vocations Essay Contest.)

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